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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her
11/12 17:08
af E L
i have this link (link) with a comment "so probably a DuoBody " can't remember why i thought that so i guess i'll have to read through it again :-D
11/12 17:05
af E L
i have Hemab HMB-001 in my Genmab list, i'll see if i can find a bit more
11/12 16:32
af Raffles
The Danish company Hemab has today announced that FDA has granted fast track to their phase 1/2 –study of HMB-001. This is a novel bispecific antibody designed to be the first prophylactic treatment for Glanzmann Thrombasthenia (GT). I believe this is based on technology from Genmab as mentioned by MedWatch 21/2 2023. Can anyone confirm and does anyone know how Genmab may be paid (Licence fee or royalty ??)
11/12 16:19
af Sukkeralf
Der kommer jo stadig lidt nyt og nok størst chance for at det er post ASH seminaret der kan rykke kursen
11/12 16:12
af Pensionisten
Gen burde nok stoppe med at deltage i den slags konferencer - same story every time ;-)
11/12 16:12
af Vitus
Det er der i hvert fald ingen nyheder i….
11/12 16:10
af gdn55
Igen gode nyheder, og igen stort fald.
11/12 16:08
af Rondo
håber snart vi får den bundvending, så vi kan komme ud over stepperne. :-) :-) ;-)
11/12 14:54
af Klarussen
Det lyder super godt ;-)
11/12 14:46
11/12 14:00
af lahn1
Helge, hvor kan vi sende vores spørgsmål ? ;-)
11/12 13:00
fantastisk ide;-)
11/12 12:40
af E L
the results may need a bit of explanation and context, hopefully we'll get that tuesday... or maybe Helge can interview Plesner ;-)
11/12 11:43
af Bulder
Ok, præsentation of gen3014 is at 03:00 tomorrow, but it should be published at 18:00 tonight. 9 am San Diego time. So from then we’ll have to scan Twitter.
11/12 11:36
af E L
the abstracts of the posters are all you will get i think, need to be lucky to find someone posting a picture on twitter... (link)
11/12 11:15
af Bulder
E L have you found out if posters are published on the ASH website? Or do we need the app? They only say “online”, but I can’t find them.
11/12 10:04
af Teller
Udviklingsdelen af dem anyway - mon ikke det andet kommer med tiden :)
11/12 10:04
af Teller
De har styr på deres stoffer hos Genmab :)
11/12 09:56
af Riis7
Ikke meget KYSO i 2023 som genmab aktionærer:_) må håbe 2024 bliver bedre
11/12 09:39
af Don Joning
Gid mine Genmabber også blev handlet på den platform, hvor "Genmab stiger efter gode resultater"...
11/12 09:34
af Klarussen
Det er de værste mure der findes
11/12 09:32
af Milito
Det er desværre bag en betalingsmur Legolas23
11/12 09:16
af Legolas23
Genmas stiger efter gode resultater (link)
11/12 08:52
af E L
11/12 08:51
af E L
Multiple Myeloma Hub @MM_Hub CONGRESS | #ASH23 | Efstathios Kastritis @uoaofficial discusses the safety and efficacy results of daratumumab monotherapy in ND 3B LC AL from the EMN22 trial. 6-month OS rate was 65% and a haematological response in 77.5% of pts -- AL Amyloidosis-- (link)
11/12 08:35
af ProInvestorNEWS
Genmab har lovende resultater med kræfthåb i svært behandlelig lymfekræft (link)
11/12 08:20
af Bullish
Er epcoritamab studiet en overraskelse, eller var det ventet?
10/12 20:13
af E L
The Lancet Haematology @TheLancetHaem Won Seog Kim presents data from the EPCORE NHL-5 dose escalation and expansion trial testing the bispecific antibody epcoritamab plus lenalidomide in patients with r/r DLBCL. One DLT (neutropenia) was observed (primary endpoint). ORR was 71.9% and CR was 53.1% #ASH23 (link)
10/12 17:07
af royal
Farligt at tro at Dara er den hellige gral. Hvis Hexa er så meget bedre end Dara skal JnJ nok tage den.
10/12 15:14
af gentogen
I øvrigt har jeg tænkt som EL 14:34. Men så meget mere mystisk er det jo, at JNJ reelt har konkurreret imod Genmab ved at "udvikle" Faspro
10/12 15:05
af gentogen
Sådan set enig, men lige netop "commercially reasonable" kan jo betyde alt muligt
10/12 14:53
Det må koste på CSR-kontoen, hvis man spænder ben for færdigudviklingen af et præparat der er markant bedre end Dara. Jeg tror de skyder sig selv i foden, hvis de gør det, og forhåbentlig bliver de overhalet indenom af konkurrenterne. Så nej, det forestiller jeg mig ikke vil ske.
10/12 14:46
af Bulder
No if they opt in they’ll not slow down. But they are free not to opt in, even if hex38 is a good drug.
10/12 14:37
af E L
@Klaussen old dara agreement stipulates how "Janssen shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Develop, Manufacture and Commercialise Licensed Product" - you can assume this to be the same for HexaCD38 (link)
10/12 14:34
af E L
was this not part of the original daratumumab agreement that Genmab can not develop a competitive antibody? can't remember for sure...
10/12 12:52
Nej, den slags er tåbeligt og helt uden formål at gå med til den slags betingelser. Har ferieafløseren været på spil? Bortset fra det, er jeg sikker på at JNJ nok skal opte in.
10/12 12:19
af Bulder
… årrække på dara.
10/12 12:17
af Bulder
En ting jeg aldrig rigtig har forstået: Hvis jnj vælger ikke at opte in, har Genmab forpligtet sig til ikke at udvikle hex38 i MM og Amy, hvor Dara er godkendt. Hvis Genmab taber voldgiftsappellen, kunne jnj fristes til ikke at opte in, fordi der venter en royaltyfri årrække. Og så står Genmab for alvor med håret i postkassen. Jeg begriber ikke, at Genmab er gået med på de betingelser, men det kan nogen måske forklare?
10/12 10:16
af Klarussen
Exactly, life would be a lot easier and things would progress much much quicker. And what if J&J opts in and then choses to slow down things until the patent of Darzalex runs out?
10/12 10:12
af E L
there will be plentiful potential in hexabody-CD38 if the data are as we are hoping for , even if JNJ will not opt in, there is possibly a lot of value in that drug for Genmab. But a JNJ opt in would make life a lot easier...
10/12 09:45
af Klarussen
And we do not know a lot about CD38s potential at this point anyway, so... pure speculation of course
10/12 09:44
af Klarussen
Well my biggest concern with J&J is that, depending on the arbitrary case, they do not want to take CD38 further because there`s more profit and money invested in Darzalex for the time being, but thats another matter...
10/12 09:30
af E L
unless you are JNJ, then you always want to sell them ;-)
10/12 09:29
af E L
well, don't forget that there are also side effects of treatment AND that these treatments are very expensive, so you don't want to give them if you do not have a high degree of confidence that they actually help
10/12 09:28
af Klarussen
Thank you. This makes a lot of sense. Early intervention is better than later trying to cure
10/12 09:24
af E L
And it shows that results are very similar to the trial, so that is good news as these results were very good
10/12 09:24
af E L
Trials in general exclude a lot of patients based on criteria set by the investigator. This COULD give better results if patient selection is biased. The real world analysis for Teclistamab is of interest as these are patients treated in the real world outside of those trials, so without those stringent exclusion criteria where some patients are not allowed to participate.
10/12 09:21
af E L
JNJ's Centaurus trial is one of the trials trying to state that you should start treating early with Daratumumab
10/12 09:20
af E L
Smoldering multiple myeloma is an early form of multiple myeloma that isn't cancer yet, which usually progresses to active myeloma, but at a slow rate. The jury is still out wether or not you should treat this already at this stage, or wait and see if it actually becomes MM and treat it then.
10/12 09:09
af Klarussen
@E L: can you perhaps explain for us novices in plain terms what it means forwardlooking, please?
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