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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her
6/11 10:25
af E L
Minhua Chu @chuminhua432 ?? $ABBV AbbVie's BLA for epcoritamab (Epkinly) has been accepted by China's NMPA. (link)
6/11 08:30
af E L
Genmab to Highlight Epcoritamabs Promising Role in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment at ASH Annual Meeting (link)
6/11 07:34
af LP90
Godmorgen :-)
6/11 06:55
af ProInvestorNEWS
Genmab stiller med 20 indlæg ved ASH-konference (link)
6/11 06:37
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
6/11 06:13
af Stroka
God morgen :-)
6/11 06:00
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
5/11 23:53
af Bulder
Nu er anitocaptagene ikke blandt dem du linker til. Dennes cr rate er flot, selv om den ikke er 100%. Mange vil kunne leve livet ud med MM efter cd38 og car-t.
5/11 23:40
af gentogen
5/11 23:39
af gentogen
Måske. the pooled prevalence of relapse within the first 12 months after CAR-T infusion was 61%
5/11 23:02
af Bulder
Klart nok. Erzo skal jo være et off the shelf produkt, helst i subkutan version, som med frontrunner i ryggen bliver godkendt til 1. linje på rekordtid. De der så relapser og bliver cd38 refraktære kan overgå til car-t, få komplet respons og leve fint til deres dages ende.
5/11 22:58
af Solsen
Næppe. Men hvor stor en kapacitet kan man opstille til CAR-T og hvor meget har Medicare råd til ?
5/11 22:47
af Bulder
Ja, det er jo imponerende responser i 4. linje eller senere. Kan erzo næppe hamle op med.
5/11 22:38
af Solsen
Dette skulle være en konkurrent til Carvykti (link)
5/11 22:01
af Raun
Det kunne være dejligt at DK kører med på US optimisme. Men vi så faktisk lidt det samme billede mandag, og det var DK ret ligeglad med..... Men dog en dobbelt så stor omsætning ift. hvad US plejer...
5/11 21:24
af Bulder
Kan være dagens epco-medd har fået nogen til at indse at Genmab er andet og mere end dara.
5/11 21:17
af Bulder
Hm, ads’en ligger i 1558 under pæn omsætning.
5/11 20:04
af E L
another one then for you ;-) Genmab to Present at Jefferies London Healthcare Conference (link)
5/11 19:13
af lahn1
Nææ en PR fra Gmab det var lige godt s…..
5/11 18:51
af E L
Genmab to Showcase Strength and Breadth of Comprehensive Epcoritamab-bysp Development Program at 2024 American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting (link)
5/11 17:29
af gentogen
!!! Fixed-duration epcoritamab + R-CHOP induced deep, durable CRs (24-mo estimated duration of CR, 83%) and high rates of MRD negativity (91% of evaluable patients), leading to long-term remissions (24-mo estimated OS, 87%)
5/11 17:22
af E L
ASH24 Mim8 (denecimig) (link) (link)
5/11 17:09
af E L
SITC24 another Genmab abstract (but don't ask me to explain...) 1382 In-situ subtyping of γδT cells in the tumor microenvironment with spatially resolved transcriptomics (link)
5/11 16:53
af E L
at the time of the decision they said something like; even if it is a success, we will still get something -since they will get some royalties- but we don't have to fund the Ph3 trial
5/11 16:51
af Plimsoller
Thank you.
5/11 16:50
af Plimsoller
Ok, so a cost cutting exercise which hopefully turns out to be a bad decision for them.
5/11 16:50
af E L
they have to make choices, and already have a few 100% owned programs for the same target
5/11 16:49
af E L
Costs going through the roof with lower covid sales as expected
5/11 16:48
af E L
No. I think you have to see it in the light of this, from Biontech results: (“R&D”) expenses were €550.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to €497.9 million for the comparative prior year period. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, R&D expenses were €1,642.4 million, compared to €1,205.3 million for the comparative prior year period.
5/11 16:47
af Plimsoller
My question is about Acasunlimab (should you have any doubts).
5/11 16:45
af Plimsoller
Thank you E L. I don't understand half of it, but it at least seems positive. What I don't understand is why Biontech opted out. Is there anything in those links indicating why that could be?
5/11 16:44
af E L
SITC24 The combination of HexaBody®-OX40 with PD-(L)1 blockade potentiates agonistic activity in vitro and antitumor activity in vivo -GEN1055 (link)
5/11 16:41
af E L
SITC24 Traverse Biotech is developing TB-Bs1, a CD3xROR2 bispecific antibody generated using the DuoBody(R) platform, (link)
5/11 16:41
af Bulder
5/11 16:39
af E L
SITC24 Duo ® Body -EpCAMx4-1BB (BNT314/GEN1059) (link)
5/11 16:38
af E L
Bulder i think that is from an earlier SITC, a few years ago ?
5/11 16:32
af E L
SITC24 Acasunlimab (link) & (link)
5/11 16:30
af Bulder
Gen1042: Conclusions DuoBody-CD40×4-1BB demonstrated biologic and early antitumor activity with a favorable safety profile in patients with advanced solid tumors. Expansion cohorts, including combination therapy with PD-1 inhibitors, are currently enrolling.
5/11 16:11
af E L
Here you can find the SITC abstracts (link)
5/11 15:58
af Bulder
of which 17 Are oral.
5/11 15:25
af E L
(link) ASH abstracts available. Getting 64 hits when searching for epcoritamab... good luck...
4/11 14:46
af E L
small new trial - Epcoritamab for the Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (link)
4/11 14:24
Raun 14:46, du har (desværre) fuldstændig ret :-D
4/11 14:22
af gentogen
None of them are recruiting any more, so the fimnancial impact is probably very low (if any)
4/11 14:14
af E L
the acasunlimab Ph 1 / 2 trials still show in the presentation, I guess they will continue to contribute financially to these until finalised?
4/11 14:11
af E L
BioNTech 3rd Quarter 2024 Financial Results & Corporate Update presentation (link) -GEN1042 update expected in 2025.
4/11 13:46
af Raun
@JKY_VH kl. 12.31... Kursmæssigt sker der jo som sædvanligt ikke noget, med disse positive artikler. Men vi skal da være glade, så længe artiklerne ikke har en modsat negativ klang. - Så ryger vi jo lige lukt i hullet
4/11 09:52
af gentogen
4/11 09:51
af gentogen
This combo (in various forms) is also art of Innova TV207 (link)
4/11 07:41
af E L
@peter ok, yes, that's right. But that Japan data was still mono, just TV. Primary Completion date for the combination trial -also with Pembro- is end of the year, so hopefully we'll see some encouraging data on that Q1 25
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