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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her
3/2 10:33
af E L
The early prescription trends for Epkinly in third-line plus DLBCL have been encouraging with commercialization now underway in the U.S., Europe, and Japan. We also anticipate the potential label expansion for follicular lymphoma later this year. // For Epkinly, we anticipate regulatory approvals in third-line or greater follicular lymphoma later this year in both the U.S. and Europe. We also expect to begin several new phase 3 studies in 2024, including studies in second-line DLBCL
3/2 10:30
af E L
(link) AbbVie (ABBV) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
3/2 09:07
af Stroka
God morgen :-)
3/2 07:53
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
3/2 07:06
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
2/2 17:04
af henrik48
Det giver et godt perspektiv om at 70% af alle aktie-værdier er på Wall street…
2/2 17:03
that would never happen, the board would cash in all the money;-)
2/2 16:08
af E L
useless fun fact: META is up by ~20% or $200bn today. If that money would have gone to Genmab it would be trading at around dkk23.000 now :-)
2/2 15:43
af E L
New trial - Epcoritamab Compared to Observation for Treating B-cell Lymphoma Patients Not in Complete Remission After CD19-directed CAR-T Therapy -by 'Academic and Community Cancer Research United' (link)
2/2 14:16
af Solsen
Until we get the Japan figures we vant calculate. But as you say - doesnt matter. On the other hand its hard to judge if its a success. So early in process.
2/2 14:11
af E L
Maybe the 5 for international is full international and they pay Genmab 2.5 from that. dunno.
2/2 14:10
af Solsen
You are right off cause :-)
2/2 14:09
af E L
yes , so that is why they say 'U.S. revenues reflect profit sharing.', so i assume we need to double those. That makes sense also with last quarter; they reported 14 and Genmab said total was 28 (no international sales yet then)
2/2 14:09
af Solsen
This collaboration will provide for the joint development and commercialization of the three bispecific antibody therapeutic candidates. For epcoritamab, the companies will share commercial responsibilities in the U.S. and Japan, with AbbVie responsible for further global commercialization. Genmab will book net sales in the U.S. and Japan and receive tiered royalties on remaining global sales.
2/2 14:06
af Solsen
Wasnt the deal that Genmab report US sales ?
2/2 14:03
af E L
So the US number we have to double I think, the International i am not sure. But since it is such a small number it won't matter much. So it is total 52 + 10 = 62 or 52 + 5 = 57 total (T)Epkinly for the year
2/2 14:01
af Vitus
Nå, den kunne godt reagere :-(
2/2 13:52
af E L
Abbvie reports Epkinly Q4 '23 US12 Intl 5 Total 17, Full year '23 : 26 / 5 / 31 . U.S. revenues reflect profit sharing. International revenues reflect product revenues as well as profit sharing from certain international territories. This compares to Q3 Genmab comment around $22 million in net sales for the quarter and $28 million year-to-date. 17
2/2 13:23
af Vitus
Reagerer overhovedet ikke på det… der er jo heller ikke kommet noget penge i kassen på det endnu…
2/2 13:21
af ProInvestorNEWS
Genmab: EMA vil behandle ansøgning om godkendelse af middel mod livmoderhalskræft (link)
2/2 13:13
af ProInvestorNEWS
Tisotumab Vedotin Marketing Authorization Application Validated by European Medicines Agency for Treatment of Recurrent or Metastisk Cervical Cancer (link)
2/2 13:05
af bikube
havana - Jeg ville aldrig sælge alt på en gang, sælg evt. 20% hver anden måned, hvis du sælger alt nu, misser du måske et stort overskud.
2/2 13:02
af bikube
Hvis jeg husker rigtigt, er det en 50/50 aftale, så er det da fint med Pfizer at dele med, de har muskler til at få det fremad.
2/2 13:00
af lahn1
Jeg håber så sandeligt at mine mabber er stegt en del inden året udgang. Ville måske sælge før Hex-CD38 H2H data i 2H-24, det kan jo gå begge veje.
2/2 12:54
af Bella1
Nå,nå, en god fredagsnyhed, - hvor langt skal vi så ned? :-)
2/2 12:52
af havana
Jeg har nogle 100'er GENMAB aktier fra 2009. De skal sælges i år kva min alder. Skal jeg sælge inden årsregnskabet?
2/2 09:26
af E L
Circio is testing TG01 mutant RAS cancer vaccine in combination with daratumumab and nivolumab in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (link)
2/2 09:25
af E L
don't know...
2/2 09:22
af Sukkeralf
But why keep it a secret - others are pursuing the same……. unless Genmab has another nice new feature.
2/2 09:20
af E L
Major bank sees positive signals in Lundbeck's MSA study despite missed endpoint (link)
2/2 09:20
af E L
well, it would fit Jan's comment: af Jan Van de Winkel GEN1056 is going to be positioned very broadly as a potential combination therapy for multiple other Genmab next generation antibody therapeutics.
2/2 09:11
af Sukkeralf
But maybe its the title thats wrong
2/2 09:09
af Sukkeralf
Scroll down to the right study
2/2 09:08
af Sukkeralf
2/2 09:06
af E L
talking about sarclisa; they sold €103mn in Q4 for a total of €381mn full year '23
2/2 08:51
af E L
annual US price change for Darzalex 6.3%, Tecvayli 5.0%, Rybrevant 4.0% (Sarclisa was +2.5%, like last year when Sanofi also did another hike in the summer)
2/2 08:17
af E L
not sure where you found that Sukkeralf, but would be another confirmation of GEN1042 also then if that is a new trial?
2/2 08:16
af E L
Nivolumab is IgG4 PD-1 , isnt't it? and Pembrolizumab
2/2 08:00
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
2/2 07:30
af LP90
Godmorgen :-)
2/2 06:07
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Tak for indsatsen til alle jer skrivende brugere og til jer som læser med. :-)
2/2 06:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen. Ny rekord i januar og ATH med 103.000 unikke besøgende på :-)
2/2 00:13
af Sukkeralf
Mon target for GEN1056 afsløres lidt her?
2/2 00:12
af Sukkeralf
A Phase 1/2, Open-label, Dose-finding Trial With Expansion Cohorts to Evaluate the Safety and Antitumor Activity of GEN1056 (IgG1-PD1) as Monotherapy or Combination Therapy With GEN1042 in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors.
1/2 23:15
af Riis7
Meta oppe med 14 %
1/2 22:49
af Bulder
Rally i US. NASDAQ +1,3%. Gode teknikregnskaber. NASDAQ future +2,2%. VIX -3%
1/2 22:09
haha Klarussen, ikke helt skævt
1/2 21:41
af Klarussen
The Trend is not your Friend as Genmab shareholder
1/2 21:11
af Pensionisten
1/2 19:49
af Bulder
Jeg kan ikke tælle hvor mange gange der af TA’ere er blevet sagt “ op herfra” det sidste halve år.
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