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5/2 11:17 af E L |
lahn , for the Ph3 they have chosen Acasunlimab 100 mg Q6W, but that is in combination with pembro. Imagine how much slower these trials would even have been if they would not have been able to use models / AI to help with the dose selection...
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4/2 22:44 af lahn1 |
EL, det er over min pay grade, men kan se at deres model skyder lidt lavt på modellen for Gen1046 og estimere 100 til 200 mg Q3W vil være mest effektive.
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4/2 22:13 af E L |
(link) AMGEN Q424 presentation
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4/2 22:08 af E L |
AMGEN Q424 TEPEZZA® (teprotumumab-trbw) generated $460 million of sales in the fourth quarter and $1.9 billion for the full year. TEPEZZA is the first and only approved treatment for thyroid eye disease (TED) in the U.S. and Japan. (link)
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4/2 17:06 af E L |
also for GEN1042
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4/2 17:05 af E L |
A Virtual Patient Population was generated to simultaneously describe publicly available clinical data; The calibrated and validated VP population was used to estimate the optimal dose of
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4/2 17:03 af E L |
InSysBio news
26 m
February 4 is #WorldCancerDay. In this regard we would like to share the poster developed in collaboration with Genmab and BioNTech SE. Our latest posters (link)
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4/2 16:40 af E L |
Not an easy target apparently
...: Pfizer drops its B7-H4 conjugate (link)
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4/2 16:38 af E L |
and RFK a step closer to getting the health secretary confirmation...
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4/2 16:29 af E L |
Merck -11.5% and Pfizer -3.5% on earnings...
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4/2 15:58 af E L |
not just on GEN1042 lahn, from Q3 24
". And then at some point, we may actually also begin to combine some of the immune activator programs like the acasunlimab program with ADCs because we think it makes perfect sense conceptually to start combining those."
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4/2 15:44 af lahn1 |
Åhhh rigtigt sukkealf, det jo derfor den testes i kombi :-)
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4/2 15:43 af lahn1 |
Ja det lyder som om der er hård konkurrence om R/D budgettet ;-)
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4/2 15:39 af E L |
For Genmab, James, to be very honest, we need to, I think, under that scenario I would say, let's park it for now. But under that scenario, we would have to balance that with other programs we have in our own pipeline, which we already own 100% and we need to balance that.
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4/2 15:38 af E L |
Jan You definitely need to look at safety and you probably need a subcutaneous formulation, I think, for many of these indications because what you see the trend is with antibody medicines that more and more of them are formulated formulations and definitely in multiple myeloma that is the situation. But also, of course, in automimmune
diseases. I mean, and that needs to be a next step, I think, once you decide on developing that program.
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4/2 15:38 af E L |
Q Would you be in a position to say, right, we're really like taking this into clinical development or would it more be we now need to do some very early exploratory trials because you just don't know that much yet about how well it would work, say, outside the DARZALEX indications?
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4/2 15:37 af E L |
[ ] Absolutely, yes, and we have renegotiated contracts before, like the GSK contract.
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4/2 15:37 af E L |
Finally, this could be a molecule which is of important for treatment of I&I or autoimmune diseases and inflammatory diseases because of the that daratumumab is known to be actually pretty active in some of the inflammatory diseases. But this is all speculation, let's first wait on the J&J optinn
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4/2 15:36 af E L |
Another potential is solid tumors book.
And the reason that I mentioned that, James, is that the antibody, which is part of HexaBody-CD38 is a very good block of the ecto-enzymatic activity of the CD38 molecule, which is involved in the creation of adenosine. Adenosine is an immunosuppressive molecule. So potentially, this antibody is much better immune activator than daratumumab. It could be a key reason to use it in combination with checkpoint targeted molecules based on preclinical data.
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4/2 15:36 af E L |
Jan -I mean as per the contract, yes, we can develop the molecule of cells if the J&J would decide not to opt in but not any indications where daratumumab is on the market or where it's in late-stage clinical development. That means other indications in multiple myeloma. There's still some areas left where daratumumab doesn't work or stopped working. We can potentially think about other cancers like AML, diffuse line banner, where we have seen some very good preclinical data with this molecule.
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4/2 15:36 af E L |
JPMorgan HexaBody-CD38 -But if they were not top in, could you potentially still develop the asset in some areas yourself? And could you even renegotiate with them to have more or freedom to where you develop the asset as well?
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4/2 15:19 af gentogen |
4/2 15:19 af gentogen |
Det meget store Gen1042 fase 1/2 er i dag opdateret til "active/not recruiting" på CT
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4/2 15:09 af Sukkeralf |
Han har tidligere sagt, at GEN1042 altid har været tiltænkt som en kombinationsprodukt - derfor må der gerne være lidt effekt alene
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4/2 15:04 af lahn1 |
Tak EL, Lad so håbe Jan har ret ( at DoR er lang) ihverfald at der fra trial start er gået laaang tid. Men jeg ser det ikke udelukkende positivt at han "allerede" snakke kombination med ADC. Lægger han op til en kombi behandling, er effekten for lille ? Kommer effekten for sent ?
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4/2 14:59 af Sukkeralf |
Can you do the same for Jans answer to the CD38 question about plan if Janssen do not take the option
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4/2 14:58 af Sukkeralf |
Thanks E L
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4/2 14:34 af E L |
And then on top of that, bispecific antibodies like these have bell-shaped curves, so very complex kinetics. So it takes a lot more time than ADC.
An ADC molecule, it's either toxic or safe -- and you see also that shrink tumors or not. [ ] So I think the mix is actually quite ideal when you have both access to immuno-oncology molecules and different types of ADCs. You can actually come to combination regimens, which are completely chemo-free and potentially much better treatments
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4/2 14:32 af E L |
And did it take longer? Yes. That is one of the differences, Jim, between ADCs and immune oncology molecules. The IO molecules. We now know -- take a long time and are very complex.
The biology is very complex
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4/2 14:31 af E L |
So we fully believe that we will continue with working on that molecule -- but we have to evaluate right now. I think I spoke about frontline head and neck cancer because that's where we have most of the data, but we also have data in other cancers.
We think that, that's a fantastic immune activator also to use potentially in combination with ADC.
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4/2 14:31 af E L |
Jan - So the data we are waiting for is duration, duration of responses, and that takes time. Unfortunately, that takes time. And actually, the more time it takes probably the better it is. But we also want to say that the market is restless, and we also did our partner biontech, because we're both fully invested in that molecule. We're very excited about that molecule, James.
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4/2 14:30 af E L |
JPMorgan So what do you still need to see for GEN1042? What's the missing data point
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4/2 14:20 af lahn1 |
LOL uha det er sgu et dårligt eksempel du lige hiver frem der. Enig det hjælper på sandsynlighed for succes at gen1042 har BNTX med. Jeg tror dog at der ifm med gen1046 learnings eller lige før gen1046 data, var noget der kunne ligne en nulstilling af gen1042 forsøget. De lagde mange nye patienter til, og med det også noget der kunne ligne en ny tidslinje. Men håber da Jan har er troværdig.
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4/2 14:11 af Sukkeralf |
At en partner er med til at vallidere et stof vil for mig altid være mere positivt
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4/2 14:10 af Sukkeralf |
Synes Jan sagde noget i den stil hos J.P.Morgan, men jeg kan huske forkert eller have hørt forkert - har kun hørt den en gang i bilen på vej til arbejde.
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4/2 14:09 af Sukkeralf |
Jeg stoler lige så meget på Jan angående Erzo som han udtalelser angående royalty til Halozymes og voldgiftsagen - han skal være positiv indtil andet er bevist.
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4/2 14:08 af Sukkeralf |
Vi ved jo ret beset ikke meget om GEN1042 endnu - og vi ved at de har indkorporeret læring fra GEN1046 i GEN1042 protokollen, altså med hensyn lavere frekvens af dosering. Når vi nu kun venter på duration, så er det selvfølgelig godt tiden går.......da Jan for lang tid siden i en invester præsentation, lige efter at have omtalt GEN1042, sagde at nu havde de endelig løst koden til 4-1BB armen, så har mine forventninger været absolut højest til GEN1042
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4/2 13:32 af lahn1 |
Stoler du på Jan når han siger at de venter og jo længere tid Gen3042 tager jo bedre. Hvis du ikke tro på Jan når han siger Erzo data er gode ligeså mht til Acasunlimab, hvorfor så tro på ham vedr Gen1042. Er det kun BioNTech du stoler på ?
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4/2 13:29 af lahn1 |
Kan ikke huske at have hørt Jan sige at investorerne ikke skulle ville have at Gmab køre Erzo videre hvis ikke JnJ opter in. Men det er nok det mest sandsynlige.
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4/2 13:00 af E L |
4/2 12:59 af E L |
Pfizer Q4 '24 Tivdak $36mn, FY $131mn vs FY '23 $90mn
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4/2 12:46 af Sukkeralf |
Bliver spændende med GEN1042 - her siger Jan jo at de forventer det fortsætter videre i klinik og med BioNTech om bord. Det får vi vel nys om i løbet af H1 2025
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4/2 12:45 af Sukkeralf |
Når BioNTech hopper ud af Acasunlimab, så er det enten et dårligt tegn eller ligegyldigt - i meget sjældne tilfælde et godt tegn.
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4/2 12:42 af Sukkeralf |
i 12:41
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4/2 12:42 af Sukkeralf |
jeg = Jan
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4/2 12:42 af Sukkeralf |
Genmab har i de seneste år også jort en dyd ud af at sige, at de skrinlægger programmer der ikke rammer deres høje krav - det er som sådan også fint, men det er også nemt at lukke projekter og få det til at lyde godt.
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4/2 12:41 af Sukkeralf |
Husker det som jeg brugte orderne, "at de ville investorerne ikke ønske at Genmab gjorde", så tænker den bliver skrinlagt, hvis Janssen ikke tager optionen.
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4/2 12:39 af Sukkeralf |
Genmab fokuserer jo i højere grad på den sene pipeline, så at gå efter HexaCD38 i indikationer den ikke er optimeret imod.....og hvor man tidligere med daratumumab ikke havde succes er jo automatisk op ad bakke.
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4/2 12:38 af Sukkeralf |
Lahn1 - RRMM er forholdsvis lille indikation og de få data vi har set for HexaCD38 hvor dara ikke længere virker er dårlige.
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4/2 11:20 af lahn1 |