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30/10 12:01
Ja, det er i givet fald et positivt "problem", men er der noget til hinder for at give en status på forsøget eller vil det ikke give mening af en eller anden årsag?
30/10 11:53
af lahn1
Bryder mit hoved med Gen1046 completion data, og vil gerne tro på at datoen er udsat fordi patienterne lever længere end de oprindeligt havde regnet med. Men det kan vel også have at gøre med deres mitigation plan, som nu tilsiger at visse patienter skal have pauser for a ikke udmatte T-cellerne. Det sidste er også nyt ift den oprindelige plan og kunne sagtens være grundet til den udsatte dato uden at være negativt.
30/10 11:15
af StockBull
men ja p.t kan vi kun gætte. også derfor Jan skal længere frem i skoene for opdatere på alle fronter
30/10 11:13
af StockBull
Det jo Genmab selv der siger de bruger AI til at optimere clinical trials :-)
30/10 11:05
af lahn1
visse-vasse ;-)
30/10 10:33
af StockBull
Næste uge bliver meget interessant med Novo, Genmab og det amerikanske valg
30/10 10:30
af E L
If i am not mistaken, the data we had seen before was 11.5 vs 9.5 months OS (with a slightly shorter follow up though), so this data seems better at first glance
30/10 10:28
af E L
translating this (link) gave some results , best in english- During the median follow-up period of 13.7 months, the median OS was 15.0 months (95% CI: 9.7-NE) in the TV group and 8.5 months (95% CI: 6.8-10.6)
30/10 10:27
af E L
There was a TV abstract at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Oncology - Tisotumab Vedotin vs Chemotherapy in Japanese Patients With Recurrent/Metastatic Cervical Cancer From the Phase 3 innovaTV 301 Study.
30/10 10:23
af StockBull
Optimizing clinical trials Clinical trials are essential for evaluating the safety and efficacy of new treatments. Yet they can be lengthy, costly and challenging. Genmab is using AI to optimize the clinical trials process, applying the technology to help identify suitable patient populations, streamline the recruitment process, and design and execute trials more efficiently.
30/10 10:21
af StockBull
30/10 10:20
af StockBull
Hvis AI-værktøjerne dog ikke er blevet ordentligt integreret, eller hvis der har været problemer med at målrette den rigtige patientpopulation, kan det også bidrage til lavere rekrutteringsnumre. Desuden, hvis studiekravene er blevet mere strenge på grund af AI-drevne indsigter, kan det begrænse antallet af kvalificerede deltagere. Det ville være nyttigt at se efter specifik information i de kommende opdateringer for at forstå AI's indvirkning på rekrutteringen til GEN1047.
30/10 10:19
af StockBull
Implementeringen af AI i kliniske forsøg kan faktisk påvirke rekrutteringsstrategierne for patienter. AI-teknologier kan muligvis strømline processer, forbedre målretning af patienter eller forbedre dataanalyse, hvilket potentielt kan føre til mere effektiv rekruttering.
30/10 10:16
af StockBull
Probably its only on future trials. Wonder if they can use less patients now that they use AI
30/10 10:13
af StockBull
It seems they haven't fully integrated the AI technology that was anticipated to streamline processes.
30/10 10:13
af E L
But they stopped recruiting. it is possible they'll get all the data they need to proceed with the 179 patients currently recruited, but i doubt that. But would very much like to hear that i am wrong here next week.
30/10 09:59
af StockBull
8 Super Gems Found, Out of 100+ Stocks (Quality + Hyper Growth + Deep Value + High Cashflow) (link)
30/10 09:46
af StockBull
EL 15.12: seems they have been working on this since 2021. Are part 1 completed and now part 2 . (link)
30/10 09:42
af E L
novartis q3-2024-earnings-call-transcript (link) Kesimpta -We're annualizing now well above $3 billion, and have the opportunity, I think, to well exceed our $4 billion peak sales guidance to date.
30/10 07:47
af E L
Revitope press release - Revitope Enters into a License Agreement for Next-generation T Cell Engagement Technology (link)
30/10 07:43
af LP90
Godmorgen :-)
30/10 06:34
af ProInvestorNEWS
Genmab licenses Revitope's dual-antigen T-cell tech in $600M+ deal (link)
30/10 06:22
af Stroka
God morgen :-)
29/10 18:04
af Solsen
…also hot. I had listened to a call where the KOLs said that we have come to a plateau in treating solid cancers. ADCs and T-cell engagers was mentioned as exsamples where new progress could come.
29/10 18:00
af Solsen
We can expect new trials with ADCs from the M&A - this is hot in the sector. T-cell engager is aæso
29/10 16:40
af lahn1
Hvad sker der med Gen1046. Udskudt 12 mdr. Ny tekst siger at, The average trial duration for an individual subject will be about 74 weeks. 17,6 mdr. som vi så på ASCO. Så tror v det overraskende gode OS holder ?. Hvad siger 21 weeks treatment duration os ? fortæller et noget om median DoR ? som ikke var nået på ASCO
29/10 16:19
af lahn1
on the last investor call my impression from Jan was that he would want to go ahead in with. ph3 but pending on PFE. But Tox is very high so maybe..... as you said minutes ago reg. Profound
29/10 16:15
af E L
ok. i assume we'll hear about plans for a potential new Ph3 trial next week, as the goal was to start it in 2024...
29/10 16:12
af lahn1
Yes innovaTV207 arm F and G respectively Tivdak+Ketruda and the same + carboplatin i 1L SCCHN
29/10 16:04
af E L
Genmab indgår partnerskab med amerikansk kræftfirma -Revitope Oncology (link)
29/10 15:50
af E L
i think innovaTV 207 also ahs an arm for first line head an neck even if i am not mistaken lahn? (next to 2L+
29/10 15:42
af E L
sorry, i stand corrected, misread the question, approved 2L+, not yet in first line
29/10 15:30
af lahn1
Tivdak er da godkendt i 2L cervical cancer med accelerate approval og 3 L SCCHN not ?
29/10 15:12
af E L
large new Amivantamab Ph3 trial Versus Cetuximab as First-line Treatment in Participants With KRAS/​NRAS and BRAF Wild-type Unresectable or Metastatic Left-sided Colorectal Cancer (OrigAMI-2) (link)
29/10 15:07
af E L
GEN1047 set to Active not recruiting at 179 actual patients vs 400 expected, so I guess that doesn't look good? Not a very big surprise , was expecting news this quarter, let's see if they can give an update next week (link)
29/10 15:07
af bikube
Thanks E L.
29/10 15:02
af E L
a few changes in the GEN1046 Safety Trial write up. Also completion dates delayed (again) by a year this time; I wonder, given that they already stopped recruiting early this year, could that mean that patients stay on the drug longer than expected? or how should we look at this? (link)
29/10 14:45
af E L
Where i first thought that maybe Pfizer would be less interested in furthere Tiso development, now it could certainly also be Genmab after the addition of the Profound bio portfolio. If they really think toxicity is less with those ADC's then it is with Tiso , it may be smart to invest the money there...
29/10 14:41
af E L
We are waiting to see if they will proceed with trials for head and neck cancer which was one of the goals for this year, but seems a bit less certain after a recent evasive remark by Klimovsky
29/10 14:39
af E L
yes. and only US and since this summer Macau, (not yet in mainland China). i assume that is where the $ 2mn international is from, or maybe off-label. EU and Japan submitted this year.
29/10 13:37
af bikube
Er Tivdak stadig kun i 3. line. ?
29/10 12:55
af E L
3 targets, Genmab pays $9mn upfront with potential milestones up to $600mn, solid tumors
29/10 12:45
af E L
Exclusive: Genmab lines up T cell engager pact with Revitope Oncology (link) (link)
29/10 12:32
af E L
Q3-2024-PFE-Earnings-Release Pizer Tivdak $34 (32 US, 2 international) (link)
29/10 10:32
af gentogen
Altså i al almindelighed. Her ved vi jo, at de kommer
29/10 10:31
af gentogen
Da 'primary data' under alle omstændigheder ikke er de endelige data, så tror jeg ikke, at der er nogen pligt til at offentliggøre dem
29/10 10:28
af gentogen
"Primary completion" (som næsten altid er et estimat) betyder strengt taget ikke færdig en bestemt dato, men kan for eksempel betyde, at den sidste patient forventes behandlet på et givet tidspunkt. Det er meget forskelligt, hvor hurtigt efter data offentliggøres.
29/10 09:48
af Oduk
God formiddag, Jeg husker at der var en der lagde et link op til H2H undersøgelsen ville være færdig i udgang af oktober, men er der nogle som ved hvor længe der plejer at gå før vi ser disse data? Umiddelbart ville jeg jo mene at de skal udgives med det samme, men er der nogle som kan be- eller afkræfte dette?
29/10 08:42
af E L
novartis q3-2024-investor-presentation (link)
29/10 08:06
af exitnu
Godt nyt mht. Kesimpta ...
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