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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her
10/12 07:55
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
9/12 23:07
af Solsen
(link) JW tanker…
9/12 20:56
af PederT
Thomas Bowers fra Danske skifter til SEB. Ham har jeg nu alle dage synes godt om. Forhåbentlig fortsætter han sit syn på Genmab i den nye rolle. (link)
9/12 20:07
af nohope
US tager det ret roligt.
9/12 19:52
af Dusør
Det ligner højt humør i morgen på Børsen. Vi kan håbe det kunne være den besked der vende trenden. Til det posiktive.
9/12 19:34
af Darvin
Og Børsen: (link)
9/12 18:57
Genmab har mandag offentliggjort positive langsigtede data fra to igangværende kliniske forsøg med antistoffet Epcoritamab til behandling af diffust storcellet B-celle lymfom. Det fremgår af en meddelelse til fondsbørsen mandag aften.(link)
9/12 18:49
af E L
9/12 18:49
af E L
same from AbbVie "More first-line treatments for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma are needed, especially for patients with aggressive disease markers that may impact the efficacy of current standard first-line therapies," said Lorenzo Falchi, M.D., Lymphoma Specialist, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. "The durable responses observed in the study suggest significant potential for this first-line epcoritamab-based combination."
9/12 18:31
af Solsen
"The unprecedented durability of response seen in these data reinforce the potential of epcoritamab to become a core therapy for the treatment of multiple B-cell malignancies to benefit more patients," said Dr. Judith Klimovsky (link)
9/12 17:04
af GeorgeBest
Sukkeralf, det er oplyst flere gange på konferencer etc. Derfor forskellen på royalty procent I forhold til Rybrevant.
9/12 16:42
af gentogen
Det tror jeg ikke: Under our agreement with Janssen, Genmab is eligible to receive milestones and receives royalties between 8% and 10% on net sales of RYBREVANT, a mid-single digit royalty on net sales of TECVAYLI, and a mid-single digit royalty on net sales of TALVEY, all of which are subject to a reduction of such royalty payment in countries and territories where there are no relevant patents (as defined in the agreement), among other reductions.
9/12 15:20
af E L
small new University trial- Epcoritamab and Lenalidomide in Treating Patients With Refractory or Relapsed Immunodeficiency-Related Large B-Cell Lymphoma (link)
9/12 15:19
af Sukkeralf
Gentogen står der i årsrapporten noget om forskellen på den oprindelige aftale og udvidelsen et år eller to senere?
9/12 15:18
af Sukkeralf
GB hvor ved du fra Genmab har leveret den ene arm til Tec eller Tal?
9/12 14:13
af gentogen
Begge er ifølge årsrapporten mid-single digit (hvilket selvfølgelig godt kan være 4)
9/12 13:03
af GeorgeBest
Royalty på tec og tal er low single digit. Nærmere 4%. Tec og tal indeholder kun et molekyle fra Genmab.Det er kun rybrevant der har high single digit, da begge molekyler kommer fra Genmab.
9/12 11:22
af Sukkeralf
Formentlig 6-8%
9/12 09:34
af w
hvad er royalty satsen på Tec?
9/12 08:34
af Solsen
Tror godt at JNJ udnytter optionen, hvis erzo differentierer sig fra faspro. Der er usikkerhed til prisen de kan forlange for faspro efter patentudløb på dara. Men kommer det prispres ikke fra US m.v. så vil der ikke blive solgt meget erzo før faspros patent udløber.
9/12 07:08
af ProInvestorNEWS
Servicemeddelelse: Efter serverskiftet i weekenden kører vores newsfeed desværre ikke pt. Vi arbejder på at få løst problemet.
8/12 22:36
af Solsen
8/12 22:33
af Solsen
Some slides on tec (link)
8/12 22:23
af E L
and if SuperDara works maybe they can also make a SuperTec ;-)
8/12 22:22
af E L
true on Tec, but that development can't be stopped- if it isn't Tec then another BCMA engager; at least genmab gets a royalty now
8/12 22:20
af E L
thanks Helge
8/12 22:13
af Bulder
8/12 22:12
af Bulder
A few years ago we all dreamt of the tec-dara combo. Now we must face that it Can be hard to beat for erzo. What we Can hope for is that erzo is still much better than data, and thus the tec-erzo combo Will be the combo to end all combos.
8/12 21:22
af Solsen
TECVAYLI® is also impressing with 100% MRD in combo faspro etc. Looks like cure, but long term followup will show. Hard to se superdara can do better, but time will show.
8/12 21:09
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
E L..Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your daily tireless distribution of big and small news from Genmab and the pipeline. :-)
8/12 19:58
af E L
TECVAYLI® (teclistamab-cqyv) demonstrates potential as frontline combination therapy for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (link)
8/12 19:56
af E L
DARZALEX FASPRO® (daratumumab and hyaluronidase-fihj) shows 51 percent reduction in risk of progression to active multiple myeloma for patients with high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma (link)
8/12 19:54
af E L
‘Double-Barreled’ Drug Shows Early Promise for Blood Cancer (link)
8/12 19:26
af E L
slides - #ASH24 | Alexey Danilov: epcoritamab monotherapy in patients with R/R #chroniclymphocyticleukemia: results from #CLL expansion and optimization cohorts of Epcore CLL-1 (link)
8/12 19:25
af E L
Exploring New Frontiers in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Treatment: A Q&A With City of Hope’s Dr. Danilov (link)
8/12 19:24
af E L
Bispecific Antibody Elicits High Responses Among Patients With Heavily Pretreated CLL - Epcoritamab - (link)
8/12 19:23
af E L
Investigational Epcoritamab (DuoBody® CD3xCD20) Monotherapy Achieves High Overall and Complete Response Rates in Clinical Trial of Patients With Relapsed or Refractory (R/R) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) in Preliminary Analysis (link)
8/12 16:17
I believe upside between 200% and 300% can be realized in the medium- to long-term, and that it can be significantly higher in the long run if some of the pipeline assets live up to the company’s expectations.
8/12 15:11
af ProInvestorNEWS
Onsdag d. 11. december...... Genmab vil holde sin Forsknings- og Udviklingsopdatering og gennemgang af de data, der præsenteres i forbindelse med for American Society of Hematology, ASH’s, årlige møde. Begivenheden, der løber af stablen onsdag klokken 17, har ikke noget med det generelle program at gøre.
8/12 15:05
af w
….og f orfatteren forventer ikke opt in
8/12 15:04
af w
8/12 15:03
af w
Genmab Is Too Attractive To Ignore
8/12 10:53
af E L
yeah, and epco the lowest of the 3 here
8/12 10:48
af Solsen
Looks manageable :-)
8/12 10:42
af E L
8/12 10:41
af E L
by chance this article today, shows- There are limited data on the use of G-CSF in anti-CD20 BsAbs. In a study of mosunetuzumab for R/R B-NHL, a total of 60/218 (27.5%) patients experienced a neutropenic event, and 41/60 patients (68.3%) received G-CSF, with a positive response in 39/41 patients (95.1%). A phase I trial of glofitamab noted that G-CSF was administered in 37 patients (21.6%), while a dose-expansion phase I/II study of epcoritamab noted that only 10.1% of patients required G-CSF
8/12 10:40
af Solsen
Thanks EL
8/12 10:32
af E L
"In the event of febrile neutropenia, patients should be evaluated for infection and managed with antibiotics, fluids and other supportive care, according to local guidelines." "Of the 105 patients who had neutropenia/neutrophil count decreased events, 61% received G-CSF to treat the events" (link)
8/12 09:53
af Solsen
Only negative is neutropenia. Do we know what they are doing with that - treatment ?
8/12 09:47
af E L
The Fixed duration regime is offcourse a response to glofitamab competition- this poster suggests it may be better to keep treating to progression (for some patients?) (link) @DrRaulCordoba #ASH24 Interesting study : “Treatment to progression vs FDT efficacy of #epcoritamab: a modeling and simulation study”
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